The Corporate Whistleblower Center is appealing to a hospital manager or MD to call them anytime at 866-714-6466 if their employer is involved in a scheme to gouge Medicare for unnecessary medical services. Get Rewarded!
WASHINGTON, DC, December 11, 2019 /Neptune100/ — The Corporate Whistleblower Center says, “We are appealing to a hospital manager, MD or RN to call us anytime at 866-714-6466 if your employer is involved in a scheme to overcharge Medicare or Medicaid. In some instances-the wrongdoing could involve medically unnecessary medical treatments or giving Medicare patients medical products they do not need. Specific information about these types of practices can be substantial. In a recent example a whistleblower with this type of information received $1.85 million.
“We have been saying this for a long time-there is so much money in whistleblower rewards-an organized effort to go after it could turn into a Fortune 500 company. If you are a bored CEO of a hedge fund or a private equity firm give us a call at 866-714-6466 and we will discuss what we are already doing. The federal government appears to have no clue how their taxpayer dollars are being spent. Whistleblower rewards can be a big business if you create a production line-as we are doing.” https://CorporateWhistleblower.Com
In a recent example of Medicare fraud, a hospital doing business as a pharmacy was forced to pay $10 million to resolve allegations-they knowingly submitted false claims to Medicare. In this instance the hospital allegedly submitted claims to Medicare for prescription drugs that did not meet Medicare coverage requirements, including the need to obtain the treating physician’s signature on the order establishing medical necessity, to confirm that refills were reasonable and necessary, and to document that the medications were in fact delivered.
The Corporate Whistleblower Center says, “If you work for a hospital as a manager, MD or RN and you can prove your employer is involved in a scheme to gouge Medicare or Medicaid, please call us at 866-714-6466 and let’s discuss the reward potential of your information. Why sit on a winning lotto ticket without ever knowing what it might have been worth.” https://CorporateWhistleblower.Com
Simple rules for a whistleblower from the Corporate Whistleblower Center: Do not go to the government first if you are a major whistleblower. The Corporate Whistleblower Center says, “Major whistleblowers frequently go to the government thinking they will help. It’s a huge mistake. Do not go to the news media with your whistleblower information. Public revelation of a whistleblower’s information could destroy any prospect for a reward. Do not try to force a company or individual to clean about overbilling Medicare or Medicaid. Come to us first, tell us what type of information you have, and if we think it’s sufficient, we will help find the right law firms to assist in advancing your information for a reward.”
The Corporate Whistleblower Center is the premier advocate for whistleblowers in the United States. Unlike any group in the US, they can assist a potential whistleblower with packaging their information and provide the whistleblower with access to some of the most accomplished whistleblower attorneys in the nation. For more information, a potential whistleblower can contact the Corporate Whistleblower Center anytime at 866-714-6466 or visit https://CorporateWhistleblower.Com
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