In growing financial inclusion and providing Myanmar people with more reliable and secured mobile financial service, Myanmar’s Central Bank has granted mobile financial services license to MPT Money Co. Ltd., a digital financial service provider.
YANGON, MYANMAR, October 06, 2019 /Neptune100/ — Millions of people in Myanmar have been waiting for MPT Money to provide them access to funds and enforce consumer protection. With the MFS license, MPT Money is now ready to launch its innovative services.
U Khin Maung Myint, Managing Director of MPT Money, said that MPT’s pervasive point-of-sales are the human face of mobile money agent network to provide the reach necessary to give the service coverage.
Rozano Planta, CEO of MPT Money, explained that providing access to financial services is just the start. MPT Money is here to provide relevant services for the people and for them to regularly use it in their daily needs. MPT Money will introduce the in-app money transfer and payment functions to its customers, which allows them to send money, top up their phone, pay electricity or internet bills, among others. Other features, such as digital account, QR code payments, transaction records, and biometric security are scheduled to launch this year.
Earlier, Central Bank announced that payments via QR code will be launched and MPT Money can support Central Bank’s initiative to help in jumpstarting digital payments and secured money transfer for the underserved.
MPT Money, a digital financial service provider with joint operation between KDDI Summit Global Myanmar and Myanma Posts and Telecommunications, state owned enterprise under the supervision of Ministry of Transport and Communications.