The IFSC is a very important code, which determines if funds delivered at particular branch or not. For example, if you wish to exchange cash to your friend who is in other State, you should get her account number in addition to IFSC code correctly to ensure that your funds reach her on time. Get list of  ICICI Bank IFSC Code.

IFSC or the Indian Financial System Code is an alphanumeric code of 11 characters that is given to each and every branch of all the banks that are part of the National Electronic Fund Transfer network. Since each branch has a unique code number, the location of the branch is known through the code.

As use of Internet banking is increasing, transferring cash from one account to another account anywhere in the country has become faster and easier. IFSC is one of the important elements that have to be used in the new modern Indian Financial System that is more relevant and beneficial in this era.