Expectations and Warnings about the Present Technological Revolution
CHICAGO, IL, October 04, 2019 /Neptune100/ — Clearly, we in the midst of a new technological revolution. But what are the best ways for investors to profit off of it? The answer to this question can be found in an intriguing post called “Eden Anew” (http://www.howtoinvestblog.net/2019/10/eden-anew.html) by Anthony Rhodes, the owner of wealth management firm The Planning Perspective (www.theplanningperspective.com), on a recent posting on his popular How To Invest blog. “These are shaping up be exciting times for mankind in general, and investors, more specifically,” he began. “New technological advances are taking place seemingly on a daily basis which promises to usher in a brave new world of nearly limitless possibilities.” he added. “The primary question is, however, will our growth as a species keep pace with that of our technology? he surmised. “The way in which we respond to this question will determine whether this world will be paradise or purgatory,” he stated.
Micro machines that can deliver targeted therapies directly into cancerous cells, volumetric bio-printing that can produce body organs and tissue within seconds; these are some of the technologies which are providing Mr. Rhodes with both hope and caution within the post. “Within this new reality investment opportunities abound, but so too does the potential for incredible harm,” he added. “Let’s hope that by the time these technologies mature, we won’t be too far behind in doing the same,” he closed.