Our strategy moving forward

CHICAGO, IL, May 20, 2020 /Neptune100/ — Fresh Tech Maid, an essential home cleaning service, is making plans to reopen its doors as soon as possible.

In order to be able to serve our clients needs while ensuring the safety of staff and customers, Fresh Tech Maid is implementing new precautions.

While technicians are not out in the field yet, our office staff is working diligently to find the safest possible solution to resuming full company operations. Fresh Tech Maid finds it crucial to be completely sure that we can uphold new safety standards for technicians performing home cleanings before bringing them back to work.

Fresh Tech Maid President, Wells Ye, says “In order to be part of the solution, we must make sure that we are not contributing to the problem.”

Before returning to work, each staff member will be tested for Covid-19, continued regularly, to help prevent the spread of this disease. Fresh Tech Maid plans to go beyond the industry standard by utilizing extensive measures of PPE’s (personal protection equipment) for their technicians to wear.

While still using the traditional PPE measures, the new PPE’s being considered are face shields, medical grade disinfectants, safety gowns, shoe wraps and disinfecting wipes.

In order to maintain the highest standard in the industry, we believe we must go above and beyond traditional protocol to keep our clients and staff members safe.

As cleanings begin to resume, medical grade disinfectant products will be added to the service at no cost, similarly Fresh Tech Maid is also researching ways to properly disinfect without the use of harsh chemicals.

The safety of employees and clients has always, and will continue to be the number one priority for Fresh Tech Maid.

Help us be a part of the solution by clicking the link below!
