You’re hurt at work – what happens next?

HOUSTON, TX, July 19, 2020 /Neptune100/ — If you want to make sure that you are not held liable for treatments, you must work within the system and follow strict protocols. That is where the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) doctors come in.

When you work within the protocols set up by the Department of Labor, you use medical teams specified by the OWCP. Immediately after assessing the severity of the injury, and whether it is critical, the doctors will give you a medical exam and test to verify the extent and severity of the injury. This test will evaluate your ability to report to work and carry out the range of duties your job requires.

Figuring out the process of filing the claim can almost be a job unto itself, so it is crucial to work with professionals who are familiar with how the system operates. The team at OWPC Docs in Houston is unique in that they have an approach that takes into account both sides of the equation.

Not only do they offer cutting edge treatments and therapies to address the injuries, but they also have specialists on staff who can assist patients with filing the claims correctly.

The team at OWPC Docs is very familiar with the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) and all of the ins and outs of the legislation. The doctors on staff are just as knowledgeable in the treatment of workplace injuries.

Be it joint or muscle pain or tissue damage from an injury, the team at OWPC Docs is fully prepared to treat you as a person and not just as a case or set of symptoms. Work-related injuries are often as complex as the paperwork claims process and require the same level of expertise in treating them.

When you are sure that your treatment will not create financial devastation for your family, and you are confident that your health is treated seriously, your recovery time will be more effective. At OWPC Docs Houston, the goal is clearly to meet both of these needs and get you back on your feet.

About Us

Our team of healthcare providers and front office staff are well versed in OWCP claims and offer free claims assistance to help injured federal employees receive the federal workers’ compensation benefits afforded to them by the Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA).

We’ll be with you from the beginning to the end of the process when it comes to federal workers compensation and our team understands that complex paperwork, as well as giving you lasting results. We get to the root of the problem rather than glossing over it with heavy medication because we don’t want to see you re-injure yourself. When you require assistance for federal workers compensation, our team is here to guide you and keep you healthy for the long run.