Layne Davlin has been elected the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations’ Board of Directors.
DULUTH, GA, October 09, 2019 /Neptune100/ — The National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO) recently announced that NetPEO founder and President Layne Davlin has been elected to the Association’s Board of Directors. Announced in late September, the move sees Davlin join a handful of five PEO industry leaders as the latest Board members.
NAPEO President and CEO Pat Cleary expounded on the reasons behind Davlin’s election. “Layne has served as our Georgia Leadership Council Chair [for many years] and has been instrumental in helping us address issues affecting PEOs in Georgia,” Cleary said.
Layne Davlin was voted into the new position as a result of his stature among the PEO leadership community. Board members for the 2019-2020 term were chosen by representatives of NAPEO’s member companies at the Annual Conference and Marketplace on September 19, 2019.
As for Mr. Davlin, he plans to continue working on the development and growth of the PEO industry. “I’m honored and excited to be elected to the 2019-2020 NAPEO Board of Directors,” he said. “And [I] am very excited to be a part of this highly respected group of people in our Industry.”
About NetPEO
Founded by Layne Davlin in Duluth, Georgia, NetPEO is a Professional Employer Organization and Human Resources brokerage firm. The company serves client businesses across the county, with a range of services that include recruitment assistance, liability and risk management, employee benefits administration, payroll management, and more. Client businesses of NetPEO range from smaller companies with five employees to larger organizations with more than 500 employees.
The National Association of Professional Employer Organizations has 300 member PEOs of all sizes, as well as an industry service partner list of 250 companies. PEOs help small and mid-sized businesses by outsourcing human resources services, and they can provide high-tier employee benefits packages to help retain talent at key positions. These benefits can include a 401(k), health insurance, life insurance, and much more. By unifying and advocating for PEOs, NAPEO helps to strengthen the small and mid-sized business backbone of the US economy. For additional information about NAPEO, visit the organization’s website.