The US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate says, “We have endorsed the lawyers at Karst von Oiste and their founding partner Erik Karst to ensure better compensation results for a Navy Veteran with mesothelioma and they make house calls nationwide.”
NEW YORK, NY, March 12, 2020 /Neptune100/ — The US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate says, “Our number one priority is making certain that a US Navy Veteran with confirmed mesothelioma receives the best possible financial compensation for this rare cancer caused by asbestos exposure as we would be happy to discuss anytime at 800-714-0303. To achieve our goal, we offer direct access to Erik Karst the founding partner of the law firm of Karst von Oiste some of the most skilled, experienced, and capable mesothelioma attorneys in the United States who consistently deliver superior financial settlement results on nationwide basis.
“As we would like to discuss anytime at 800-714-0303, mesothelioma compensation claims for Navy Veterans does not involve suing the US Navy; it involves compensation claims against companies that provided the insulation on US Navy ships and/or a company that knowingly covered their pipes or equipment with asbestos. It is not uncommon for the financial compensation for these types of cases to be worth over a million dollars or more.
“The full-time mesothelioma attorneys at the law firm of Karst von Oiste are highly motivated in making certain their US Navy Veteran client receives the best possible financial compensation. They do not get paid unless there is a financial settlement for their client-and they make house calls nationwide for a face to face meeting with a Navy Veteran in the Veteran’s home to explain the compensation process and to evaluate the possible claim. Talking directly with attorney Erik Karst of the law firm of Karst von Oiste is a much better deal than a ‘free’ generic book about mesothelioma as we would like to explain at 800-714-0303.”
The US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate specializes in assisting US Navy Veterans with Mesothelioma who had asbestos exposure that occurred in the following ways:
* Maintaining their ship or submarine at sea
* Assisting shipyard workers to repair their ship or submarine while at a US Navy Shipyard
* While preparing their ship or submarine for deployment
* While the US Navy ship or submarine was being decommissioned
Vital financial compensation tip for a US Navy Veteran who has recently been diagnosed with mesothelioma or their family from the Mesothelioma Victims Center: “Before you hire a lawyer or law firm to assist with a recent mesothelioma diagnosis, call us at 800-714-0303.” https://USNavyMesothelioma.Com
For a listing of all types of current and past US Navy warships please review the US Navy website on this topic:
The states with the highest incidence of mesothelioma include Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, Louisiana, Washington, and Oregon.
However, based on the calls the US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma advocate receives a US Navy Veteran diagnosed with mesothelioma could live in any state including New York, Florida, California, Texas, New Hampshire, Vermont, Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, Idaho, or Alaska.
For more information about mesothelioma please refer to the National Institutes of Health’s web site related to this rare form of cancer: