The US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate fears that Navy Veterans with mesothelioma may put off their compensation because of the Coronavirus. Rather than doing this the Advocate is urging the Veteran to call for direct access to Erik Karst of KVO.

NEW YORK, NY, May 07, 2020 /Neptune100/ — The US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate says, ‘We fear because of the Coronavirus-COVID19 Navy Veterans are being diagnosed with late stage mesothelioma as opposed to an earlier stage because the US Healthcare System has been overwhelmed for the last three months.

“If your loved one-family member has just been diagnosed with mesothelioma, please call us as soon as possible at 800-714-0303 so that we can provide you with direct access to attorney Erik Karst of the law firm of Karst von Oiste-KVO. Erik Karst is one of the nation’s leading mesothelioma attorneys and he will take the time to explain the financial compensation for you as well as access the potential value of your compensation claim that could be over a million dollars.

Erik Karst and his colleagues at Karst are responsible for over a billion dollars in financial compensation for Navy Veterans and people with mesothelioma and they work overtime for their clients. Rather than playing lawyer roulette with something as serious as mesothelioma compensation the US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate is appealing to a Navy Veteran with mesothelioma and or their family members to call 800-714-0303 for direct access to attorney Erik Karst of the law firm of Karst von Oiste-KVO. Attorney Erik Karst of Karst von Oiste-KVO will be able to explain the financial compensation process to a Navy Veteran with mesothelioma and with the-Ok-of the Veteran or his family he makes no-obligation house calls-nationwide.

The following examples are questions attorney Erik Karst of the law firm of Karst von Oiste might ask a Navy Veteran in order to chart the best possible compensation plan:

* “When was the first time you were exposed to asbestos?

* “As a child in your home playing in a basement was there an old boiler or insulated steam pipes?

* “When was the first time you were exposed to asbestos in the navy?

* “After the initial exposure to asbestos in the navy-were you exposed to asbestos at additional workplaces?

* “Do you recall the names of shipmates or coworkers who witnessed your exposure to asbestos? For more information please call us at the US Navy Veterans Mesothelioma Advocate anytime at 800-714-0303.” https://USNavyMesothelioma.Com

For a description of the current US Navy fleet please review an amazing chart created by Popular Mechanics:

For a listing of all types of current and past US Navy warships please review the US Navy website on this topic:

According to the Veterans Administration some of the worst types of asbestos exposure occurred when a US Navy Veteran was stuck on their ship in dry dock or undergoing a major overhaul in shipyards located in Washington, Virginia, Connecticut, California, Maine, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New York, Louisiana, Hawaii or Georgia.

For more information about mesothelioma please refer to the National Institutes of Health’s web site related to this rare form of cancer: