A Canadian researcher who has been studying reverse speech in music provides evidence that most songs contain hidden messages that are connected to quantum mechanics that are drawn from the spiritual world.
BANCROFT, ON, October 06, 2020 /Neptune100/ — R.B. Reynolds, the founder of The Angel Scrolls, first began finding hidden messages in the speech of birds over 20 years ago. He had 3 parrots that had a vocabulary so large they kicked up quite a controversy in the field of animal intelligence, and with that he termed the phrase “Biological Quantum Communications”. In 2019, his research took a giant leap forward when he began studying and observing reverse songs by humans.
Reynolds claims that quantum mechanics back up his thesis that sound particles and wave particles carry a vast amount of metaphysical information in the reverse speech. Until now, it’s been a popular opinion that reverse music is spooky or contains dark messages, and most reverse speech in songs was considered to be backmasked by the producer or something the subconscious mind produced. But Mr. Reynolds explains, “It is not the source of the music that determines the message, but the observer, and what kind of spiritual gifts or tools the observer has. If the observer/translator is connected to the right channel, that source can provide world changing knowledge that can better humanity.”
Mr. Reynolds, who has ancestral ties to Emanuel Swedenborg, and Adam Kadmon of the Kabbalah, believes that spirituality is generally a misunderstood science. He offers solid evidence that God and the Angels do exist, which is good news for the growing number of people in the world today that are seeking a new level of religious understanding. The result of the studies has even prompted the birth of a new religion based on humans evolving to the next level of spiritual evolution. This evolutionary process provides followers with a direct channel to heaven that will help humanity pull through and overcome the difficulties we are currently having. He suggests that humanity is now ready to experience help from the heavens through quantum streaming.
Reynolds puts forth that people who have a spiritual connection can be taught to understand reverse speech to a greater degree than anyone would think possible. His free videos provide unique training and helps others connect and receive the good in what is being quantumly sent. Thus far, he has reversed and translated at least 20 songs that contain these hidden messages from start to finish. He also has hundreds of other videos that document his own experiences of how the spiritual world is communicating to us. It is an incredible study of observing sound and wave patterns with captions that can leave even the biggest skeptic dumbfounded. If you want to find out more about his research, you can visit his website at http://www.theangelscrolls.com and witness what he believes is a world changing event.