During Covid, the Sexual Assault Hotline saw a record high in calls from children. Mental health issues are at an all-time high among our youth. Recording artist, Maxx Nies, is using her music to help these kids to know they are not alone.
LOS ANGELES, CA, October 14, 2020 /Neptune100/ — LA-based, 19-year-old, Pop recording artist Maxx Nies is set to release her first single, “No Good At Love”, off her album “Daddy’s Issues” on October 18, 2020 with a laser focus intention of helping teens, just like herself, to know they are not alone.
This dark/pop single reflects how she never felt good enough to love herself or others due to the sexual, emotional, and mental abuse she withstood as a child. This emotionally power-driven song dives deep into her constant obsession with taking showers to cleanse her from the guilt and shame of the sexual abuse. The lyrics, “Sewed my mouth so I don’t open up. Poisoned touch now I’m no good at love. Buried tears put out of sight. I’m left paying for your crimes. This is why I’m no good at love.” are just a few of the lines that really delivers a powerful message to the listener.
At the age of 6, the sexual abuse started for Maxx while under her father’s care. She was also locked in closets, locked in her room, and verbally and emotionally abused. Although she was finally able to break free from the torment, Maxx was imprisoned by severe anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts as well as eating disorders and an identity crisis.
She began her healing under the care of her uncle, Eric Nies (known from The Real World Season 1). He is a celebrity healer and life coach and has worked with her for nearly ten years to be the adult she has become. However, Maxx states, “In 2018, I picked up a pen and began writing songs. These sessions became the therapy I needed to help me rise to the next level in my healing journey.”
At 19-years-old, Maxx is finally medication-free, thriving, and releasing her first single. She says, “It’s scary to share my dark struggles with the world, but I want to be a voice to young girls who are hurting and struggling with mental health issues. I want them to be seen and heard through my music. I want them to know they are more than enough to be loved.”
You can read more at https://www.itsmaxxmusic.com