Real-Time Video Assistance Begins Wednesday
ALEXANDRIA, VA, April 21, 2020 /Neptune100/ — The American Council of the Blind announced this week its partnership with Be My Eyes, an innovative app that provides real-time video assistance for individuals who are blind and visually impaired. Starting on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, ACB’s support staff will now be able to field calls from the Specialized Help Providers section of the app.
“We’ve been working over the years to strengthen our internal structure to field calls from consumers faced with challenges and barriers toward independence,” said ACB executive director Eric Bridges. “Our capability now through Be My Eyes builds off this investment, providing improved services not just to our members, but for all Americans who are blind and visually impaired.”
At a time when many Americans struggle with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, ACB is now able to provide remote guidance and consultation around key areas impacting the rights of Americans who are blind, and offer critical information on resources and supports available. Joining companies such as Google, Microsoft, and P&G as organizational supporters of the blindness community, ACB is leading the way for blindness organizations, leveraging technology to connect with their members and deliver services in a whole new way.
“ACB is a touchstone organization for blindness advocacy, not just in the U.S. but worldwide,” said Will Butler, VP of Community at Be My Eyes. “We are thrilled that they’ve taken quick action to ensure that, despite being isolated in their homes, the millions of Americans adjusting to both life with a vision impairment and this new, unanticipated period of isolation will not be left without support. We hope other organizations and corporations worldwide will join us in supporting the community as well.”
Now with almost 4 million users and a growing family of company partners, Be My Eyes is one of the largest “micro-volunteering” platforms in the world – with its more than 3.5 million volunteers on call at all times to assist those who need an extra pair of eyes at short notice.
The American Council of the Blind is a national grassroots consumer organization representing Americans who are blind and visually impaired. With 70 affiliates, ACB strives to increase the independence, security, equality of opportunity, and to improve quality of life for all blind and visually impaired people. Learn more by visiting
To inquire about Be My Eyes, contact [email protected].