Precision optimization of physicality, vitality, and longevity. Officially adopted by federal law enforcement agencies, special operations units, and fire rescue departments.

NEW YORK, NY, June 14, 2020 /Neptune100/ — THE ERA OF THE MACHINE ENDS!

The era of massive fields of cardio equipment and warehouses of strength training machines may still be dominant in extreme-fee globo-gyms, but people have been rapidly discovering the problems inherent in these membership-driven agendas.

Machines offer you increased security by dictating your range of motion. By removing your potential freedom to move, they isolate individual muscles and control you through small motions. We have found with painful awareness, our health is greater than the sum of their over-priced machines. Healthy movement cannot be compartmentalized. Some may have short-term gains, but with devastating long term problems: aches and pains from isolation overuse. If you don’t move it (as a whole motion, under voluntary control), you WILL lose it FASTER!

What is TACFIT?

TACFIT Training Methods have been named the “Worldʼs Smartest Workout” because, unlike other fitness organizations, every element has been deliberately investigated and implemented as an integrated, holistic system of human optimization. Each exercise, program, tool and course has been meticulously crafted for the highest quality results in the shortest amount of time.