CHIANG MAI, THAILAND, August 10, 2020 /Neptune100/ — It is reported that America’s GDP for the second quarter was -32.9%, the worst quarterly record since 1947. Meanwhile, the latest applicants for unemployment benefits in the week to July 25th rise to 1.434million, lower than the prediction of 1.445million, but more than the last data of 1.416 million.
More and more Americans begin to live on welfare. Has the march of the “Great America” stopped? Who is to blame?
“Pelosi and Schumer blocked desperately needed unemployment payments, which is so terrible.” On July 31st, the U.S. president twittered three times accusing Democrats of refusing to sign a plan to extend unemployment relief plan. While scolding Democrats, Trump also blamed China, implying that it is China that caused the novel coronavirus outbreak and made so many Americans jobless.
“The truth is a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others.”
On April 14th of this year, the website of the United States House of Representatives published an open letter entitled “Dear Colleague: We Must Insist and Act on the Truth in the Coronavirus Crisis”. It responded strongly to Trump, counting his “Seven deadly sins” that have caused unnecessary deaths and economic disaster.
Disregarding their political differences and personal insults, the ordinary Americans see it clearly, especially after experiencing the brutal reality of rapid COVID-19 infections and nearly half a million deaths in recent months. More and more Americans say: “Stop this president as his damaging the American influence in the world.”
Trump’s mistakes in the COVID-19 prevention and control have been criticized by all sides, and the domestic “war of words” is intensifying the antagonism among American people.
The Roll Call criticized: “To COVID-19, it doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican or Democrat, black or white, Jewish or Christian or Muslims. When it boils down to it, those things can stop us or someone we love from getting the virus and potentially dying from it.”
“When Trump didn’t take the virus seriously at first, and the right-wing media sphere-Fox News and talk radio-downplayed the threat of the pandemic for a long time to protect his elected chances. So then you have the recipe for differences in beliefs,” said by Jay van Bavel, professor of psychology, New York University.
Tzu-i Chuang, wife of the Consul in Chengdu, China, Jim Mullinax, wrote about the scenario when she returned to the United States in March, “the situation at the airport was the same as what I had experienced: crowded and disorderly, no administration of tests, no masks, and mandatory quarantine. At that time, community spread was already present in Washington state and Italy had already been locked down. When the Americans suddenly realized that the pandemic was closing in on them and began re-evaluating their trusty public health system, the truth hit them hard: testing capabilities were lacking, medical supplies were inadequate, and there were practically no contact tracing and quarantine measures put in place.”
Roseanne Freese, Director of the U.S. Agriculture Trade Office(ATO) in Shenyang, China, who saw China’s combat in COVID-19 prevention and control, suggested the U.S. learning from China: “We should be setting COVID-19 controls at the Country level, not at the State level: Why we don’t manage public health on a county-by-county basis is beyond my understanding.”
The accusation against Mr. Trump for his “unprofessionalness” is far more than that from the media and pundits. Joe Biden, the U.S. Democratic presidential candidate, even said: When the number of confirmed cases rose, Mr. Trump was “totally ignore the crisis”. It seems that he has given up the combat and left the battlefield waving a white flag.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio criticized Mr. Trump, “President Trump, I will only say to the president, I don’t understand and I think there are millions and tens of millions of Americans who don’t understand what you are doing right now. you are not using the tools of your office. This is one of the greatest emergencies our nation has faced in generations. Every tool must be brought to bear. For some reason, you continue to hesitate.”
“An absolute chaotic disaster”, former U.S. president Barack Obama said for Trump’s work. Al Gore, the former vice president, thinks Trump has performed as a “bystander” in response to COVID-19 spreading, he is not a good leader who didn’t do well in his position. Not long ago, Mr. Trump was criticized by Mayor Burtons for not wearing a mask during a visit to Atlanta. She argued that without wearing a mask, President Trump violated the laws of Atlanta, flouting city regulations and could even be sentenced to six months in prison.
Anthony Fauci, Trump’s chief epidemic control expert, testified on many controversies that the White House stirred on the source of virus. For example, Trump repeatedly described the novel Coronavirus as “Chinese virus”. “I have a reputation, as you probably have figured out, of speaking the truth at all times and not sugar-coating things,” he told the Financial Times on 10 July. But Trump didn’t listen to him. Anthony Fauci also reveals that he has not seen Mr. Trump since 2 June and has not briefed him for the last two months.
The questions are: where does Mr. President’s decision on COVID-19 prevention and control come from? Imagination? Does he really trifle with the lives of American citizens?
It is clear that Mr. Trump is treating a contagious disaster as political business, it is a sign of “dictatorship”. According to the BBC, the poll shows that more than 95% of Democrats support social isolation(quarantine measures),while more than 80% of Republicans support it, too.
“Ignore him and listen to science!” So why not ? Because President Trump has privileges, he stands on the opposite side of the majority of American people. With that in mind, the BBC believes it is no surprise that Mr. Trump’s approval rating are currently falling. In other words, it follows that “your voting record may affect your fate.”