New Tampa Bay Contact Tracing Company Debuts
ST. PETERSBURG, FL, June 18, 2020 /Neptune100/ — Rapid Trace, the first contact tracing company established in Florida, is engaging the world pandemic from Saint Petersburg by answering the demand for highly trained COVID-19 contact tracing personnel.
Recognizing the need for what has been called “an army of contact tracers,” Richard S. Rodriguez, President of Rapid-Trace, has gathered professionals with health care and military leader-ship experience to offer Florida and the nation answers to mitigate the advance of COVID-19.
Rapid Trace provides the expertise of resident medical educators, community health profession-als, community outreach and emergency management professionals, and a support network that ensures competent, professional, and responsive applications, to the needs of our nation’s public health care workers. The vast experience of our staff has equipped us with the ability to adapt and respond swiftly to the changing and unpredictable circumstances presented by COVID-19.
Rapid Trace specializes in tracing recent contacts that individuals have had with others diagnosed with COVID-19. “We deliver the systematic, reliable, and rapid outreach needed to in-form contacts of possible exposure and the appropriate protocols,” said Rodriguez. “Our data management tools and technology are sensitive to cybersecurity and privacy. Our practices con-form to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework.”
Rapid Trace teams are skilled interviewers and are cognizant of the need for sensitivity, and understand the importance of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) and the assurance of patient confidentiality.
“Today as a country we are challenged by the demand for contact tracing, Rapid Trace will seek to meet that challenge with capable, empathetic and flexible teams of contact tracers,” said Rodriguez. “We are a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business that provides solutions to government, academic, and businesses, and are helping to prepare and preserve the path to restoration for our communities, economy, our academic institutions, and businesses.”
Rapid Trace hires locally and operates in conjunction with local public health agencies. We are actively recruiting contact tracers, health care coordinators, and investigators.
For more information about Rapid Trace and its mission, please visit us at, or email [email protected].
Rapid-Trace is a contact tracing company dedicated to tracing and contacting individuals who have been exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID-19. With a highly trained staff and experienced management team, Rapid-Trace is uniquely qualified to quickly and systematically alert contacts of possible exposure and provide them with the support and resources they need. Rapid-Trace hires locally to supply a trained team of “disease detectives” who operate in conjunction with public health agencies. The end goal is to stop the transmission of COVID-19.
Rapid-Trace was created recently, when the founders believed their health and military experience could be put to use fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re well-prepared to adapt and respond swiftly to changing, unpredictable circumstances such as those presented by COVID-19.