Portal to Include International Retro Events, Businesses and Social Connections
PARIS, FRANCE, February 02, 2020 /Neptune100/ — The all-new retrowi.re community portal will allow international guests to post events, photos, build business and persona profiles as well as promote services around the globe related to retro, vintage, rockabilly, pinup and more.
Ad services will be available to promote regionally.
Please visit https://retrowi.re for all details.
Retro Wire is a new company formed by The Parisian Hostess.
The Parisian Hostess offers easy to use products made with 100% pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils for your Home and Body. Every product is hand made in the United States by The Parisian Hostess Family with the goal of helping people take control of their own health and well being without the use of prescription medications and chemical infused products. Our product line strives to use ingredients that have all-natural or organic bases with essential oil sourcing coming from the best locations around the globe.
Tamara Darress, the Owner, is readily available to answer your questions about Essential Oils and how they can help you in your daily lives via email or phone. If you are local, stop into The Parisian Hostess Boutique located on Historic Main Street Vero Beach for one on one assistance with Essential Oils as well as to shop our fabulous Parisian Inspired clothing, jewelry, and furniture.