Williams took top honors in the Top Female Author awards program for her recent book, ‘A Collection Of Poems: A Journey Through Life’. She has released 3 films to date dealing with the pandemic including ‘Covid-19 A Child’s View’.
WILMINGTON, NC, October 01, 2020 /Neptune100/ — Over 200,000 lives have been cut short by the pandemic in the US. The suffering is unfathomable. Nearly every single person on the planet has been affected. Cheryl Williams, a Covid-19 survivor, school nurse, award winning author and film maker sees the suffering up close, daily. Her family, her friends and her acquaintances, all affected by the virus, inspire her with their bravery, their determination and their resolve despite the impact the pandemic has had on their lives. She recently offered a tribute to those affected by the virus in a new Youtube video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZAZzlk4JuI, and a poem entitled “Loss”.
“The tremendous loss of lives due to Covid-19 has deeply impacted so many individuals, families, communities, countries and the world as a whole,” Williams said.
“Death is the most haunting, painful loss we will ever experience, but succumbing to the complications of Covid-19, suffering alone, dying alone, not being able to say goodbye, to give (your loved ones, friends, etc.) the send off they truly deserve is heartbreaking.
“Covid has robbed us of so much, yet so many of us fail to notice those among us who are hurting, lonely and depressed.
“Many of us are consumed with our own affairs that we fail to see the blank and empty hearts that walk beside us in the grocery store, sit adjacent to us on the bus ride home, live across the street from us, communicate via social media with us…
“So many people are in pain, so many people are angry, so many people are hopeless. It is my hope that this tribute will, in some way, ease the burden of the heavy hearted and bring them peace of mind.”
The darkness hovers over me
A sudden sense of loss
The emptiness torments me
Thoughts flooding back and forth
The memory of the endless love
The blessed love we shared
Stood there in silence frozen
Heartbroken with despair
Thinking of that blessed day
That seems so far away
When we will be together
In a special kind of way
Williams, the award winning author of ‘A Collection Of Poems: A Journey Through Life’ is also a talented film maker and musician. She recently released a new video entitled “Covid-19: A Child’s View.” The new film is a penetrating look into the experiences of those whose young lives have been affected. The new film is available at Youtube at https://youtu.be/MiL3NMtsKhM.
“In this YouTube video, ‘Covid-19: A Child’s View’, we can listen to the kids as they speak about their experiences and perspectives surrounding the virus and this pandemic,” Williams stated.
Williams had a chance to speak with Anthony, the fourteen year old Covid survivor, who was featured in ‘Covid-19 and My Child. Anthony’s story was aired on News 12 Long Island and featured in the the Deer Park-North Babylon NY Patch,
https://patch.com/new-york/deerpark-northbabylon/mom-whose-son-14-had … ol-caution
Williams also recently posted a mesmerizing account of her coronavirus experience in a Youtube video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpN7nMt8gf0&t=91s.
Williams was named Top Female Author in the 2019 Top Female Author Awards in the poetry category. The win came as the result of her most recent book, ‘A Collection Of Poems: A Journey Through Life’. Williams was chosen from a field of hundreds of authors by a panel of judges.
Writing has helped Williams connect with her inner self, finding positive ways to cope with life’s struggles. She has been writing and singing for as long as she can remember.
Throughout her childhood she sang in both the church and school choir, and also enjoyed singing at talent shows and music festivals. As an adult she also participated in concerts, performing as a solo artist.
Music and writing are the tools that bring her fulfillment and healing. Her book, ‘A Collection Of Poems’, takes us through the power of the human mind, good or bad, and its impact on one’s direction and journey through life.
With the help of music, writing, and positive thinking, Williams found hope and purpose in life. Life isn’t fair. It is unpredictable, bad things happen to good people, and we never know what tomorrow holds. Cheryl wants her readers to realize that even when faced with insurmountable, hopeless situations, even when life seems dark and uncertain, we should never let go of hope and appreciate the beauty and blessings that life has to offer, making the most of every day, loving, living, laughing, and learning. Seasons change, and there is always a rainbow after the storms of life.
Cheryl Williams is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at [email protected]. ‘A Collection Of Poems: A Journey Through Life’ is available at Amazon and Dorrance Publishing. More information, including a number of videos and a collection of music, is available at her website at https://cherylhot6.wixsite.com/cherylpwilliams.
Cheryl Williams is a wife, mother, author, and nurse by profession, with a passion for the Arts.
Her love for poetry started at the tender age of five when she recited the poem “Grandfather Frog” for a school function. Six years later, her world was turned upside down after her mother suffered a massive stroke. During those uncertain times, music, writing, and poetry helped her cope.
As a teenager, whenever she wasn’t caring for her mother, Cheryl spent her free time writing and directing short plays as a form of entertainment for the children in her neighborhood.
She enjoyed singing in the church and school choir, while also performing publicly as a soloist in concerts and talent shows. As a result of her mother’s illness and her responsibility to help care for her, Cheryl was inspired to pursue nursing as a way to help others heal; the same way writing and music helped her find a path to healing. She resides in New York.