Turning Financial Fears into Freedom
NEW YORK, NY, October 02, 2019 /Neptune100/ — Money Answers Show host, Jordan Goodman, invited Tosha Silver—spiritual leader, author of Outrageous Openness and Change Me Prayers, and operator of the online school, Living Outrageous Openness—to show how to let go of financial fears and worries.
The Money Answers Show episode, “Your Relationship With Money: Abundance, Spirituality & More” explores the concept of abundance and pragmatic spirituality and how to achieve peace of mind when it comes to the more stressful aspects of your life.
Have you ever thought how much more you would enjoy life if you weren’t constantly worried about finances? Silver explains how to “shift the paradigm so that people can relax into opening and receiving and allowing what is meant for them to come as opposed to only chasing and carrying the burden in that way.” This concept can seem incomprehensible in a world when so much of our lives is dependent on money, but Silver argues that a change in thinking can open up opportunities and lead to life enjoyment.
It begins with the concept of a “divine source,” which is the belief that no person, place, or thing is your source. Instead, there are these containers that hold everything, which is called “divine love.” The third concept is what Silver calls “the offering,” where you release your burdens back to divine love so you are not left with what you cannot handle. Any traumatic experiences are not weighing on your shoulders as you give back and wait for other opportunities to arrive. Silver focuses on how to go with the flow and be receptive for your divine source to help guide you to the next step without being consumed by negative emotions such as anger or fear. Eventually, a sense of synchronistic alignment will begin and things will fall into place.
What does this have to do with money and coming to terms with a financial crisis? Silver discusses that when we stop thinking of money as acquisition, and start opening up to receiving, the pieces fall into place. She explains:
If the person does not feel fundamentally worthy to receive or they think that it’s selfish or they think that it is bad in some way, then that can also block the flow. It plays out differently for different people, but it’s just that willingness to open the door and say, ‘I’m ready to allow myself to be used as a source of abundance on the planet.’
In the end, it comes down to changing your mindset and finding a way to live without succumbing to anger, fear, or anxiety and rather embracing the idea that the universe or “divine source” will take care of you—if you are open to it.
For more information on how to take a spiritual approach to your finances and find peace of mind, listen to Money Answers Show episode, “Your Relationship With Money: Abundance, Spirituality & More” and other great podcasts from the Money Answers Show.
You can listen to The Money Answers Show with Jordan Goodman live every Monday at 12pm PST, 3pm EST, or download the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also catch Goodman on Money Answers TV. If you’re looking for additional information on finance, you can read Goodman’s books on everything from repaying your student loans to real estate.
Jordan E. Goodman is “America’s Money Answers Man” and a nationally-recognized expert on personal finance. He is a regular guest on numerous radio and television call-in shows across the country, answering questions on personal financial topics. He appears frequently on The View, Fox News Network, Fox Business Network, CNN, CNBC, and the CBS Evening News. He is the author/co-author of 13 best-selling books on personal finance including “Master Your Debt Fast Profits in Hard Times,” “Everyone’s Money Book,” “Master Your Money Type,” “Barron’s Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms and Barron’s Finance and Investment Handbook.” Jordan is also a speaker and seminar leader on personal finance topics for business executives, students, associations, investment clubs, employees and others. For more information, please visit https://www.moneyanswers.com.