The OCMX™ is pleased to announce the listing of MimiVax to its online portal which offers Investors and Advisors the ability to learn more about this exciting opportunity.
BUFFALO, NY, October 26, 2020 /Neptune100/ — MimiVax is a privately-held, clinical-stage biotechnology company based in Buffalo, NY, developing a robust pipeline of immuno-oncology therapeutics for survivin-expressing tumor types and autoimmune diseases, based upon exclusive worldwide licensed patents.
Our lead agent, SurVaxM is a novel immunotherapeutic (cancer vaccine) designed to stimulate a natural immune response targeted towards a tumor specific protein known as “survivin.” The SurVaxM cancer vaccine is a first-of-its-kind, vaccine targeting survivin, a cell-survival protein present in 90% of glioblastomas and many other cancers. It is engineered to recognize survivin-expressing cancer cells as foreign and stimulate patients’ own immune response to control tumor growth and recurrence.
The OCMX™ is pleased to announce the listing of MimiVax to its online portal which offers Investors and Advisors the ability to learn more about this exciting opportunity.
The OCMX™ has spent considerable time completing its due diligence on MimiVax and concluded that there is indeed a tremendous potential for this opportunity.
The OCMX™ noted that MimiVax exhibits the main components of any solid opportunity, namely a solid management team, a great track record, and a number of key competitive advantages.
• SurVaxM, a synthetic peptide, delivered by biweekly subcutaneous injection, designed to stimulate both an antibody and T cell response in patients
• Its target “survivin” is present in 90% all forms of cancer and not just brain tumors
• FDA orphan disease designation (awarded 2017)
• Entering Phase 2b pivotal study to enroll 270 patients at up to 20 US centers with potential for USFDA accelerated approval track
Michael Ciesielski, PhD, CEO, Co-founder
Molecular Immunologist, 20+ Years Neuro-Oncology, R&D, Regulatory, CMC experience , Survivin pathway expert
Robert Fenstermaker, MD, FACS, FAANS, CMO, Co-founder
Neurosurgeon, 25+ Years Neuro-Oncology, Basic & Clinical Research, Glioblastoma specialist
Scott Friedman, General Counsel
Attorney, 25+ Years working with Entrepreneurs & Family Business, Co-founder & Manager, MimiVax Manager, Buffalo Capital Partners, Chairman & CEO Lippes, Mathias, Wexler & Friedman
Jerry Jacobs Jr, Board Chair
Co-CEO, Delaware North, Alternate Governor, Boston Bruins
The OCMX™ is changing how companies generate exposure in the financial marketplace and raise funds as we know it. The OCMX™ serves both public and private companies in need of market exposure during financial raises. It does this by way of connecting the relevant companies with financial institutions all in one online transparent portal. The OCMX™ (P2P Financial Inc.) launched in September of 2009 out of Toronto but has since expanded its operations to include Quebec, Alberta, Manitoba, and British Columbia.
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