Author and futurist Jack Uldrich’s latest book, Business as Unusual: A Futurist’s Unorthodox, Unconventional, and Uncomfortable Guide to Doing Business, catapults onto Amazon’s Best-Seller within 24 Hours of release.

MINNEAPOLIS, MN, October 16, 2020 /Neptune100/ — Jack Uldrich’s latest book, Business as Unusual: A Futurist’s Unorthodox, Unconventional, and Uncomfortable Guide to Doing Business hit the Amazon marketplace this week. Within 24 hours, he joined the likes of Elon Musk and Guy Kawasaki in not one but two of Amazon’s Best Seller categories: Business Planning & Forecasting and Business Technology Innovation.

Uldrich makes the point in his latest book about the future accelerating faster than ever before and embracing exponential change, but was he prepared for how fast his new book would be embraced?

“I’m honored to be on the best-seller list so quickly. One of the tenets I touch on in the book, however, is humility, and I know in this fast-paced world that I’ll need to get working on my next book to stay on the cutting edge!”

While writing Business as Unusual, Uldrich faced what most business leaders faced, a glitch in the system when the pandemic hit full force. But he cultivates a keen sense of agility. Before putting it to press with Amazon Kindle and River Grove Books (which enables print on demand), he took the necessary time to add thoughts on how the pandemic accentuates the work.

According to Uldrich, “All of the lessons contained in this book are still relevant—perhaps even more so now—but, in some cases, for different reasons.”

“Nothing is comfortable right now, and unconventional and unorthodox approaches are going to be called for like never before,” says Uldrich.

A book entitled Business as Unusual can’t be written as a typical business book. Most books in this genre range between fifty thousand and sixty-five thousand words and are designed to be read in five hours—about the length of a cross-country flight. But how many people are getting on planes these days?

Uldrich says, “The world of business is shifting, and business books must adapt as well. My goal with the book was to be succinct and for readers to digest the contents of this book in less than an hour.”

While the reading may be quick, the hope is the wisdom lingers. Uldrich presses upon his readers to adopt a new mindset, one he calls the Big AHA. He also encourages leaders with the notion, “it’s time to unconstrain your thoughts and set unreasonable goals.”

One more reasonable goal you may want to set for yourself is picking up a copy of Business as Unusual. As Jack Uldrich points out, the intention behind the book is to get leaders thinking in more depth about the trends transforming business today and tomorrow, “because your competitors probably are–and if they aren’t, some entrepreneur in some distant corner of the world is–guaranteed.”

Futurist Jack Uldrich is a highly sought after keynote speaker. As the author of over twelve books, he regularly addresses businesses, associations, and non-profit organizations in the health care, retailing, energy, and education industries. He belongs to numerous speakers bureaus, including Leading Authorities, Washington Speakers Bureau, BigSpeak, and Gotham Artists. To learn more about Jack Uldrich, his work, or his speaking availability, please visit