Joanne Baker, Founder, Anita Lampel, President and the TIAS ARMS Board of Directors, cellebrate reaching their 20th year fundraising goal of $1,000,000
NEWPORT BEACH, CA, March 03, 2021 /Neptune100/ — One Woman, One Million Dollars. In 2001, Joanne Baker, now a retired Newport Beach OR nurse, launched TIAS ARMS, a nonprofit organization to benefit children in South Africa affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. 20 years later, she marvels at the road she has traveled along with her dedicated group of volunteers, how so much can be done for so little, and celebrates her dream milestone – having raised $1,000,000 to provide a dignified, nurturing, and compassionate environment for orphaned or abandoned children affected by HIV/AIDS in South Africa.
This year has been particularly difficult due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Some of their Grantees do not even have enough water to wash their hands, much less nutritious food to maintain a healthy immune system potentially compromised by HIV/AIDS. Many of these children and organizations that support them simply would not have survived without the help of the financial and in-kind support of generous supporters. Even in this time of Covid-19 these children will continue to have their basic needs met.
In celebration of this momentous occasion, TIAS ARMS will be holding its 2nd Annual Virtual Tea, Sunday, April 11th from 2:00 pm-3:15 pm. While the situation for these children is dire, this event promises to be full of fun, hope and inspiration, and the satisfaction of greatly helping those desperately in need. Experience the uncommonly delicious teas from Smith Tea of Portland, Oregon in a virtual tea tasting, catch the jive while the kids and Board do the “Jerusalema”. There has even been promised a surprise appearance by a special royal guest from England!
TIAS ARMS will deliver a “Tea Gift Box” filled with three special Smith Tea blends, homemade delectable goodies, handcrafted beaded spoon, and handmade cotton mask. Ravi Kroesen, Head Teamaker for Smith Tea, will present a live virtual tea tasting discussing the teas nuances and pairing suggestions.
Attendees will “meet” some of their Grantees from South Africa and enjoy music and dancing. Expect a fun time as participants compete in the traditional Tea Party hat contest, complete with a prize for the best hat. An auction will offer items that benefit the children, like shoes and high caloric food parcels.
“I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world because not only have I found my life’s passion, but I have a group of friends who support my dream as well. I find my inspiration in the faces of these little children, their acceptance of their situation, and their loving response of hugs and smiles. ‘It’s for the children!’,” Joanne said.
TIAS ARMS, a 501 (c) 3 organization, supports seven agencies in South Africa which provide services to children impacted by HIV/AIDS and now the COVID-19 epidemic. Their Grantees operate in underserved, poverty-stricken areas where 93 cents on the dollar goes directly to provide food, clothing, shelter, education, health care services and hospice care, helping to maintain and even grow communities while saving lives and educating young children, giving them a chance to grow into healthy, productive adults.
Smith Tea is a brand that was built by its founder Steve Smith, who successfully created two game changing brands in Stash and Tazo prior to launching Smith. The spark for the creation of his namesake brand was lit after a year in retirement in Southern France, where he decided he had another idea that would once again change the tea industry. That idea can be experienced viscerally in every cup of Smith Tea.
Tickets are $35 and will benefit the children of South Africa. Please send checks to TIAS ARMS, 3 Wild Goose Ct, Newport Beach, CA 92663 or purchase them online at Guests will be sent a Zoom invitation with instructions sent via email.
Contact: Joanne Baker
Founder, TIAS ARMS
[email protected]