The US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate is appealing to a Navy Veteran or person with lung cancer who also had significant exposure to asbestos decades ago to call for direct access to the lawyers at Karst von Oiste-Don’t put off Compensation.
NEW YORK, NY, May 11, 2020 /Neptune100/ — The US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate says, “We are advocates for Navy Veterans and people who decades ago had significant exposure to asbestos and who now have lung cancer. Most people like this are not aware that the $30 billion dollar-Asbestos Trust Funds were set up for them too. We know with the huge toll the Coronavirus-COVID-19 has taken on the nation, and most people with lung cancer are probably not thinking about financial compensation but they should-if they had significant exposure to asbestos prior to 1982.
“Financial compensation for a person like this might exceed a $100,000. The typical person we are trying to identify is over 60 years old as we would be happy to discuss at 800-714-0303.
“We are appealing to the wife, son, daughter or friend of a Navy Veteran who has lung cancer-who also had significant exposure to asbestos coast to coast to tell them about us. Navy Veterans are at the top of our list because we know they had so much exposure to asbestos. We are also focused on identifying people with lung cancer who had heavy exposure to asbestos at a power plant, factory, steel mill, public utility, oil refinery, shipyard, or as a welder, plumber, electrician, pipefitter, machinist or as an insulator. Most people like this who had heavy exposure to asbestos decades ago and now have lung cancer never get compensated-and we are trying to change this sad fact as we would be happy to discuss at 800-714-0303.” https://USNavyLungCancer.Com
To get the financial compensation job done for a Navy Veteran or person who had heavy exposure to asbestos decades ago and who now has lung cancer the US Navy Veterans Lung Cancer Advocate has endorsed the remarkable lawyers at the law firm of Karst von Oiste-KVO. The lawyers at the law firm of Karst von Oiste-KVO have been assisting Navy Veterans and people with asbestos exposure lung cancer for decades and they are responsible for over a billion dollars in financial compensation for people like this. For direct access to the lawyers at Karst von Oiste-KVO please call 800-714-0303.
High-risk workplaces for asbestos exposure include the US Navy, shipyards, power plants, public utilities, manufacturing factories, chemical plants, oil refineries, mines, smelters, pulp and paper mills, aerospace manufacturing facilities, offshore oil rigs, demolition construction work sites, railroads, automotive manufacturing facilities, or auto brake shops. With lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure the lung cancer may not show up until decades after the exposure. https://USNavyLungCancer.Com
According to the American Cancer Society for nonsmokers who have been exposed to asbestos in their workplace the risk of lung cancer is five times that of unexposed workers.
States with the highest incidence of lung cancer include Kentucky, West Virginia, Maine, Tennessee, Mississippi, Ohio, Indiana, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Alabama, and Delaware.
However, a person with mesothelioma or asbestos exposure lung cancer could live in any state including New York, Florida, California, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Texas, Iowa, Georgia, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho, Washington, Oregon or Alaska.
For more information about asbestos exposure please visit the NIH’s website on this topic: … fact-sheet.