Author DeiAmor Verus Asks Everyone To Support Peacefully Protesting and Racial Change
SANTA MONICA, CA, June 17, 2020 /Neptune100/ — Author, activist, and artist, DeiAmor Verus is spending his own money to reach the people of America, in this time of racial crisis, asking everyone to stop the violence and to LISTEN, LEARN and LOVE.
Verus, author of the book “Talk To God” believes racial change is finally upon us and if all people want to be heard creating change, we must be unified in our protest message. “Peaceful protesting, is respected and our right – violence is not and our message is lost.” Verus asks everyone to show their support by wearing a LISTEN, LEARN, LOVE wristband so everyone from all walks of life can show their support.
Verus explains Listen, Learn & Love.
“LISTEN to each other with patience and open mindedness.”
“LEARN from each other so we can live in harmony.”
“LOVE each other because we all bleed red and are all God’s Children.”
Verus concludes; “Let’s us all protest peacefully allowing our unified voice to be heard and actual change to come.”
“Violence clouds the message and slows change.”
“Share wristbands with family and friends.”
“Become an agent of change in your community.”
Visit and order a wristband and begin your peaceful protest.