It’s tough for kids to make sense of the world in 2020. Toley Ranz is here to help with a forward-thinking program, a ground-breaking approach, and a lovable appearance already winning children’s hearts and minds.
SEDONA, AZ, November 16, 2020 /Neptune100/ —
Attention: Parents, Grandparents, Teachers!
Meet Toley Ranz, the future of increasing harmony and decreasing discord in the classroom and the family room. Toley is not only a plush toy, it also represents a life-transforming approach to daily living during challenging times for kids, parents, and teachers alike.
Number one: The Toley Ranz experience is pandemic-proof. That means it works in the classroom, at home, or wherever you need help most. You know the little elf whose singular purpose is to keep an eye on kids so they behave in December? Yeah, well, Toley can do that all year—not just the holidays—plus so much more.
Number two: Toley Ranz is arguably the world’s most effective anti-bullying strategy.
Number three: Toley is gender neutral and prefers the “it” pronoun. So, before it even makes its introduction it’s already teaching important lessons about tolerance, kindness and open-mindedness.
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a parent or teacher who’s been struggling with the pandemic, particularly as it relates to school. Maybe you’re the mom who can’t get your child to focus on the drab Zoom display. Maybe you’re the grandparent living on pins and needles, wondering if your little sweetheart is going to bring home this invisible killer virus. Or, perhaps you’re the classroom teacher with one eye on the Zoom kids, and the other eye on the in-schoolers, and both sets of students becoming equally fidgety and distracted. If you find yourself in any one of these categories (or countless others) you’re forgiven if you just want to grab your hair and scream, “Enough is enough!”
Look, it’s 2020. We’ve all been there. We all experience it at the same time.
Let’s get serious. Children PreK-3, are most vulnerable; they don’t understand parents’ mood-swings; are most-likely inundated with TV news which leaves kids insecure and fearful.
Teachers can’t teach when no one is paying attention. Parents can’t parent when a child simply doesn’t want to be involved.
Many believe we are dealing with unprecedented behavioral issues in children right now, as a result of this new normal. We try to shield them as much as we can, in hopes to give them a childhood that resembles our own. These are different times, though, and everyone can use a helping hand.
Anke Otto-Wolf, the entrepreneurial educator behind the Toley Ranz brand, is working hard to ensure that Toley Ranz becomes a household name. In doing so, she realizes that Toley cannot be a one trick pony. Toley Ranz is a mediator (child-parent); a child’s go-to trusted entity/friend when there are seemingly no answers; a listener, emotional burden carrier as confidant of a child.
“People are sick and tired of empty promises and paying for things that don’t actually work,” says Ms. Otto-Wolf. “We are constantly being sold the latest craze at premium prices. The Toley Ranz brand philosophy goes against all that.”
The wonderful folks who’ve brought Toley Ranz to life are focusing on the bottom line: Toley Ranz is ready, willing and able to be what you need it to be. Toley is as much or as little as you put into it, meaning: “Reaching the Soul of a Child is transforming a Life” and letting Toley speak or take the reins… by using the high-quality material of the program.
Finally, you will be able to hold kids’ attention from home and classroom all the way across the digital divide. The first time you see this lovable plush toy holding court you’ll be blown away. People who’ve experienced Toley Ranz simply can’t understand the phenomenon!
“It’s almost as if children are drawn to Toley,” states one New York-based Toley Ranz owner. “My six-year-old son is mesmerized by the plush toy itself, of course, but it’s the gentle activity guide that is making even more of an impact.”
Toley is orbited by a veritable universe of content for these content-hungry times:
You want a groundbreaking podcast and YouTube channel? You got it!
What about thought-provoking, creative activity & learning guides? Absolutely!
Traditional reading books? Of course!
Let’s not forget about you, grown-ups. An exciting addition to the Toley Ranz experience is the new e-book, “Effective Parent Strategy,” a guide to parents’ self-care. This allows you to take care of your own needs so you can be your best self, and help your young ones do the same.
Not everyone knows this, but social-emotional development in human beings needs to start as early as age three or four. This means your child will develop friendships, become more aware of other people’s feelings, and use his or her imagination more than ever before. Considering these are all areas of strength for Toley Ranz, just imagine how effective it could be for your child.
“I could tell you about Toley Ranz until I’m out of breath,” confesses Anke Otto-Wolf with a laugh. “But, there is nothing like the real thing. It’s the difference between talking about a new car and actually driving one! Toley is at its best when it’s in the hands of a child, a classroom, or home; and when the adults in the room are carrying out this amazing program for their little ones. We truly believe the results are astonishing, but, more importantly, so will you.”
The Toley Ranz 2020 Holiday Package includes the complete educational platform, digital access to online content, free consultation with founder Anke, bonus gifts, additional games and activities, and a beautiful, high quality talking plush toy. Right now, for a limited time user you can enjoy 50% off the regular rate! And for $5.60 —the price of your daily pumpkin spice latte— you’ll get the “Effective Parent Strategy, Self-Care” e.-book, and gain access to something amazing that will help, heal and prepare the children in your life for any challenges that lie ahead. Moreover, it provides you the help needed so you don’t “reach the end of the rope”.
Think about the kids in your life—they are simultaneously navigating childhood as well as the rigors of 2020. Then, ask yourself seriously: Can you really afford not to let Toley Ranz bring joy and emotional comfort into your children’s lives? Remember, this is not just about the kids’ mental well-being, it’s about yours, too!
Please note: The Toley Ranz 2020 Holiday Package is designed especially for your needs at home and in class.
For more information please visit
To view the most recent Toley Ranz videos click here.
Additional reading:
“Stop Bullying with Toley Ranz” podcast on Apple Podcasts
Toley Ranz YouTube Channel
Toley Ranz Three-in-One Book Set on Amazon
Parent Strategy Book
Toley Ranz Store