Best way to buy American made

BOCA RATON, FL, November 02, 2020 /Neptune100/ — Americans don’t have a place to find American made products. MR USA is solving that problem. MR USA is a website that guarantees products are made in the USA. In 2016 America elected a president that wanted to bring manufacturing back to the USA. In 2020 COVID-19 hit and Americans realized how much they depend on imported products. The Presidential candidates of 2020, both focus on manufacturing in the USA again. Michael Ruggiero, owner, and CEO of MR USA stated, “Our goal is to have everything American made in one location. This will take the guesswork out of shopping for American made products. You can shop at for American made products.”

Since launch, MR USA ( has been helping Americans find American made products. MR USA is the most trusted one stop shop for American made products. We provide a location where anyone can search for American made products from big corporations to mom and pop shops. We have over 160 products and counting. MR USA will keep searching for American made products and provide a trustworthy place for customers to find American made goods.