Identifying Money Trap Stocks and their Psychological Tools of Deception
CHICAGO, IL, June 01, 2020 /Neptune100/ — Is there a method for detecting stocks that are more likely to move sideways upon their purchase? Or, worse yet, head downward shortly thereafter? If you’d like to discover some techniques which will help you in finding the answer, then you should read “Fool’s Gold” ( ), by Anthony Rhodes, owner of wealth management firm The Planning Perspective (, on his popular How To Invest blog (
“We’d all like to find that perfect stock which immediately moves upward initially after our purchase, and this desire opens us up to ‘money trap’ stocks which can do the exact opposite.” he began. “These stocks appear to us as great opportunities, but upon closer examination, are actually some of the worst places to put our money.” he added. “Their low costs trigger the bargain hunter within us all, and causes us to think that we’re getting a good deal. It’s only later that we realize that their prices are actually justified, but by then, we’ve usually lost a great amount of time and money as a result.”
Mr. Rhodes explains exactly how to detect these types of stocks within the post, and provides his readers with methods for resisting the psychological attractions which they induce. “There’s nothing more frustrating than having a portfolio that’s being bogged down by dead money stocks.” he explained. “But by being made aware of the mental components which make us susceptible to their lures, we are better able to repel their magnetism, and these aspects are addressed throughout the post for investors to learn from.” he closed.